The Wax Doll page 19

Hello, everyone.

Page 19 of The Wax Doll is now available for reading:

Girl with black hair enveloped in hardened wax.

Apart from this, I’ve started retranslating my BlueStorm game into english(it was in portuguese). I don’t have an estimate for when the first demo will be available, but, when the first demo comes out, you’ll be able to wander freely through the game’s own world. Only a few specific areas will be closed off due to the story, as the story will not be available in the first demos.

Right now, the translation is partially done, I’ve translated most of the terms. What remains:

The weapons, armor, items, abilities and in-game text.

I think that in a few more days, I’ll have a rough demo uploaded.

Anyway, hope you like the page.



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