Tag: slavesofesports

  • New Pages #20

    Hello, everyone. Page 32 of Slaves of eSports and page 23 for The Wax Doll are both up for reading. Click the pics below to go to the respective stories. A few things about the stories: I’ve released wave one of the extra artworks for Slaves of eSports, which has Chloe as the protagonist. Wave…

  • New Pages #19

    Hello, everyone. The 9th page of A Very Sweet Nightmare is now up for reading. This one is available only for Gold subscribers. Check out the support platforms in the support me section down below. Also, page 31 of Slaves of eSports is up for reading.

  • New Pages #18

    Hello, everyone. Yet another new page news. Page eight of A Very Sweet Nightmare is up for reading. Also, page 30 of Slaves of eSports is also up for reading: I really hope you like both of them. –Yukito

  • New Pages #17

    Hello, everyone. Page seven of A Very Sweet Nightmare is now up for reading. Also, Slaves of eSports’ twentieth-ninth page is ready for reading. I really hope you like them. –Yukito

  • New Pages #16

    Hello, everyone. Page six for A Very Sweet Nightmare is up. Also, Slaves of eSports now has its 28th page.

  • New Page #15

    Hello, everyone. Page fifth of A Very Sweet Nightmare is up. Click the banner above to read it. Also, page 27 of Slaves of eSports is also up. Click the pic below: This is all for now, everyone. –Yukito

  • New pages #14

    Hello, everyone. Slaves of eSports has been updated to its 26th page. And A Very Sweet Nightmare now has its 4th page. Hope you like them. –Yukito

  • New Pages #13

    Hello, everyone. Before today’s updates, I must say that I kind of had a late start today, as I started doing things kinda late, coupled with my gym time, which prevented me from bringing up the new pages at 5PM/6PM as usual. But, here they are: Slaves of eSports has its 25th page: Second: The…

  • New Pages #12

    Hello, everyone. Page 02 of A Very Sweet Nightmare is now up for reading: Also, page 24 of Slaves of eSports is up: Hope you like the new pages, guys. I’ll be back with more soon… –Yukito

  • New Pages #11

    Hello, everyone. Slaves of eSports’ page 23 is now available for reading. Click below to read. Also, page 21 of The Wax Doll is up to read. Click below to go to it.

  • New Pages #10

    Hello, everyone. Page 22 of Slaves of eSports is now up for reading. Click on the icon below to read: Also, page 20 of The Wax Doll is also up for reading. Check it out by clicking on the icon below:

  • Slaves of eSports #20

    Hello, everyone. After a long time, Slaves of eSports’ page 20 is now available. Click the story icon below to read it: Other than that, I’m working on other things right now and also a new banner for this story above. I plan to remove the old feature image from some stories like this one…

  • Slaves of eSports page 15

    Hello, everyone. Page 15 of Slaves of eSports is now available for reading. The Wax Doll will take a while longer to upload, as I need to finish it. I also updated the comments section in both pages. –Yukito